B.T. Dubbs and Baba Ganoush
On November 18, CHS administration announced a new dress code to be enforced on the following Monday. The document is as follows:
All persons coming onto Carlsbad High School's campus are expected to adhere to:
1. Students cannot be naked. Some article of clothing must be worn.
Although the previous dress code seemed more restrictive, members of the administration believe the new rule will finally crack down on the blatant issue of nudity on campus.

“This has been my top priority since taking over as principal of CHS. The previous principal, who shall remain anonymous, allowed and embraced nude students. This will no longer be tolerated,” Principal Matt Steitz, Ed.D., said.
Steitz told CHS faculty about the changes on Thursday evening, prior to informing students over CHSTV on Friday. Most faculty supported the decision, yet it was met by some opposition.
“I do not understand why a change in dress code is necessary,” Biology teacher Mr. Cavanaugh said.
On Friday morning, Steitz’s announcement experienced a mixed reception among students. Some students stormed out of their classrooms into the 63 degree weather, only to return minutes later (still naked) and complaining about the cold.
“I hate the new dress code. For the past three years, I have gotten away with wearing nothing. I noticed that the new dress code says I have to wear ‘some article of clothing’ so I am only going to wear one article: my ugg boots,” Senior Delaney Drost said.
“I do not understand why a change in dress code is necessary,” Biology teacher Mr. Cavanaugh said.
On Friday morning, Steitz’s announcement experienced a mixed reception among students. Some students stormed out of their classrooms into the 63 degree weather, only to return minutes later (still naked) and complaining about the cold.
“I hate the new dress code. For the past three years, I have gotten away with wearing nothing. I noticed that the new dress code says I have to wear ‘some article of clothing’ so I am only going to wear one article: my ugg boots,” Senior Delaney Drost said.
Although female students are more affected by the change, boys seem to be opposing it more adamantly.
“I was really looking forward to studying a broad next semester. Eh? Eh? You see what I did there?” Senior Nick Low said, wearing only a beanie.
It is unclear at this moment whether the new dress code is up for revision, but the MidKnight Train will be striving to find the naked truth at the bottom of this issue.